Morning, I've just got back from the vets with one of my cats, he's been being sick everytime he eats for about a week and a half....and I mean literally every time he eats and straight after. The vet ruled out something being stuck in his throat as she said he should/would be constantly gagging and coughing.
She has taken bloods to do a full blood panel including kidney and liver function etc.
Anyone had a similar experience. He's a 7 year old Ragdoll and the only other thing wrong with him right now is that his coat is really greasy to touch.
Any ideas?
I should add he's surviving on Chicken soup and mashed up wet food right now as this seems to aggravate him less, the vet also gave him a steroid jab and something to stop him being sick.... My poor baby :0(
Thank you Wolf, he seems to be managing to keep some food down since he had the jabs, he's had some chicken soup and as I type is finishing off a bowl of mushroom pasta!!!!! Strange creature!
I hope he's OK and don't want to alarm you, but an Aunt of mine had a much loved puss that suddenly developed greasy fur and after bloodtests it was discovered he had kidney problems, but he lived for many years afterwards on the correct medication. Good luck with your cat, it may not be kidneys of course.
Hi chaptazbru, I just had a quick Google and it does sound similar to what I was thinking, poor little sod hasn't stopped asking for food and drink since he had the jabs earlier :0(
I'm just hoping it may be an infection rather than disease right now.
Awww!! I blew quite a few quid on it though! You'll be glad that's not you lol! I just HAD to see them at some point in my life. London's still on though, eh? I'm still doing the dance haha!! x
Sounds like kidney disease to us, i.e ckd - not to worry though his meds will keep everything under control. Rover was on tablets for a while, and is doing wonders, unfortunately the tablets are vvv palatable to the cat, so when you open any human pills your cat might think it's for him. :0
I don't want to alarm you, but my Shelley had the same thing and it was a tumour pressing on her oesophagus. She was given a jag which perked her up and stopped her being sick, but sadly she didn't live too long. I really hope its not that x