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Territorial cat attacking dogs

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Barmaid | 14:24 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | Animals & Nature
78 Answers
Now stop laughing, this is no longer funny.

For the third time this week I have had a complaint that my cat has attacked someone's dog. We get a lot of dog walkers round here. Last night apparently he chased an alsation.

What on earth can I do? For his safety and the dogs? I can't keep him in - he is used to freedom. He is 19 and always been a bit feisty (ie if a dog comes near his garden he will take it on), but now he is actively looking for trouble.


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Hide the bath salts
14:42 Sun 24th Jun 2012
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I think you are right Baza - it might be worth getting him checked out and see if the vet can give him something to calm him down a bit. Apart from the damage he might do to a dog, a dog could do him significant damage if he picks on the wrong one.
I'd also put a sign up...humorous-along the lines of 'beware-elderly attack cat in vicinity...likes to go for big dogs'...then they've been warned.
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lol Pasta!
awww bless...I don't have any offerings of advice, just to say that when I
feel down to read this thread funny!...
I had a cat like that, unfortunately she died 9 years ago, but wasn't frightened
of anything. Her sister is a bit feisty but runs if she sees a dog.
Good luck..
At nineteen I would be happy that he was still fit and able to take them on. Bless him, don't know what you think the vet might do. If I was a regular dog walker round your way I would avoid him like the plague!
The new neighbours who own the rat on a lead (aka a Chinese Crested) remarked that my dog was aggressive when they walked the rat past my house. I replied "Well don't walk past my fecking house"...........
lol @ craft
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lol Craft, that is deja vue on the conversation I had on Monday. She said the cat had attacked the dog at the weekend, so Mr BM said "so don't walk on this path walk on the path on the other side of the road". She said "but there are geese there". We both looked and there was not a single goose to be seen and we laughed. So we got called ignorant.

Mr BM has solved it. he is going to phone Hereford to see if the SAS need a new mascot.
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lol talk about timing. I just heard a hell of a racket outside. i went out to find Arnie and a jack Russell type dog about to go head long into a spat. I called Arnie off with my oven gloves. The dog walker was pmsl and said "that'll teach the bloody dog a lesson".
Where's Boaty when you need him? He had a rabbit which attacked cats and dogs. Wasn't fussy at all. It was HIS territory.
Few years ago I had a white persian just like the one in the Bond films. He stalked the end of the garden and nothing would come near. After I lost him still no cats came near my garden .I think he must have left his spirit there to guard my garden.
I wrote a big answer to your question then managed to lose the page!

Have a look through this guide to the older cat http://www.fabcats.or...standing/oldcats.html

If your on Facebook try posting on 'Pete the vet' page - but he sometimes takes a while to answer queries and you will probably have spoken to the vet by then.

Cats !!!
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Wolf I've posted on that page to see what he can suggest. Mr Bm is still laughing.......
I thought that Mr BM was supposed to be supportive in such matters.

Arnie and ASBO ??
My dad had a cat that was like a small lion, he would take on anything. It got to the stage that dad had to put him in a harness and take him a walk on a flexi lead, as he feared for his own safety with the younger more agile cats in the area. I feared for my dogs as he would get on their backs and go for their eyes. Evil cat.
You've already said it yourself... one day it will take on the wrong dog and then you won't be laughing. If you have a garden, use cat proof fencing. If not get a harness to walk him.
Thank you for best answer, I wish I could help but really he's just a pussycat after all
my old 13 year old neutered male cat was the same, no dog could come near our house, he would just attack, my neighbours G
that's my neighbour's GSD was so scared of him!.....he was so formidible!......
Perhaps you could ask the dog walkers to stay away from your house/street?

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