Moulting cat in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Moulting cat

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Amanda71 | 13:57 Tue 21st Jun 2005 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
My cat is moulting excessively.  She is an 8 year old, short hair, tortoiseshell and is an indoor cat.  I inherited her 9 months ago from a neighbour and she is absolutely adorable.  The only problem is that she is always moulting even though I brush her every day and have given her conditioning tablets.  There is always a layer of loose fur on her coat (although she has never brought up a fur ball).  I'm concerned that she may be stressed - I work full time so I'm not around during the day and she is quite clingy in the evenings.  She has started sleeping next to me on the bed which means I'm waking up with a mouthful of fur which I find quite distasteful (excuse the pun).  Does anyone have any tips or advice?
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Amanda71: I don't think this is what you want to hear, but this link could be of some help....


Hope you and your cat can live happily despite the shedding...

My mum has a tortoiseshell and she moults loads, all the time, despite constant grooming.  Clouds of fur whenever you stroke her!  Luckily she only sleeps in certain places so Mum puts down a blanket which gets covered with fur but can be washed/shaken out. 
Tortoiseshells seem to have denser fur than other cats so it seems worse.  It might also be that because it has got warmer recently, so more is coming off.
Not much you can do about it I'm afraid but don't worry about her being unwell as it's perfectly normal

My two housecats,Yasmin and Spike(or,the wee man,as we really call him!)shed hair all the time.Any cat or dog,who spends a lot of time indoors,will do this.Cats love to be brushed,so induge them,and you'll both benefit!
Dear Amanda
I intended to ask a similar question about my old cat (18 years and grey - long haired) who moults copiously and as far back as I can remember. She too wants to sleep as close to me as possible and it's so itchy!!
But having read the replies I guess it's not unusual and I'm going to have to carry on living with it. She's otherwise fit and well for her age.
Thanks for all the help

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