has anyone noticed more wasps around than usual. I tried to have some lunch yesterday, al fresco as you do, and ended up losing the lot to a swarm of angry wasps. Miffed i was...
Until the other day I would have said no, but in the last few days there has been a sudden increase where I am, so much so that I'm thinking I must have a nest somewhere close by.
six of the devils like kamikaze pilots. took aim at my pasta salad and headed in, i hate them, they may be necessary, no idea, but they ruined a perfectly good lunch, and i wasn't the only one plagued by them, others headed for cover pretty damn quick.
Very few,so far. But I said that about bees a few weeks ago and now can't go into the garden without disturbing masses of them - particularly on lavender bushes.
apart from spiders i don't care for them at all, i also remember the hornets out on North Africa, scared me witless. the size of the insects were unlike anything i had seen before. But these yesterday buzzed in and made me drop the entire dish...
We have loads, before 8am yesterday I had 7 of the gits, 2 made it out alive, the dogs are terrified, the cats know they are evil, I bought a jml snappit to go over the back door that helped, but the little buggers then worked it out and kept coming through the bedroom window, even the electric tennis racket couldnt kill them they got zapped but it didnt kill them all it did was just pi$$ them off even more,
Not as many here in Ireland as the last few years but it is early days yet. This early in the summer they're not usually a problem, just busy killing blackfly. Come September though, when they are all Brahms & Liszt on rotten pears, is where the 'fun' starts. Fun for them, not thee & me. With the nest going to pot and no queen to keep them in line they all go on a bender of Amsterdam stag party level, get completely plastered on rotting fruit and start stinging for the sheer fun of it. They will die anyway, so why not?
same yesterday, eating lunch, wham back they came, how annoying to have them buzzing around your head, then the food...
Naomi, if you are about. Have been
given more meds for the constant sore throat, lumpy feeling in the base of the throat, she suggest IBS, food coming up making it constantly dry, sore.
they bombard you with questions, none of which seem related, then shove you out the door with more pills. Ear drops as well, wish that doctors would actually listen..