I went to bed about 10pm and woke up at 10.30 as I thought I could hear my dog being sick downstairs.
When I got downstairs he was lying on the sofa having what I can only describe as an epileptic fit. His body was limp but he was frothing at the mouth.
That was half an hour ago. Since then he's been pacing around downstairs in a daze, his back legs keep going from under him and its like he doesn't recognise me. He is panting and continually pacing around in a state of confusion.
He's 12 years old and never had a history of fitting. I'm sure if its simple eplilepsy its treatable via medication?
After another discussion with the vet, she is convinced our poor boy is in the advanced stages of a brain tumour. His head is trembling and he just paces around listlessly, falling over all the time. Its heartbreaking to watch.
We have made the difficult decision to have him put to sleep. The vet said to us that she could see on Monday he wasn't a well dog. We have one last night with. Will help him up the stairs so he can have one last night on the bed with Mummy and Daddy.
Oh dear...that is so,so sad. I really feel for you...its such a heartbreaking decision to have to make. I hope your boy is in no pain...he's had a good life with you.
oh my, that's heartbreaking, im so sorry. but at least you are able to make the proper decision for your pet. I do hope he will manage to have any treat he wishes tonight, and the comfort of the two people who love him so much, take care, anne.
I feel so sorry for you having been through it twice with our cairn Zee and staffy-cross Meg. Just remember you gave him a happy life with lots of love.