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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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Yes rock was my favourite, now I'll settle for cod. Yes lots of bones in the Lubina but I amanaged quitw well. We were not brought up as fish eaters, only the occasional kipper on a Saturday night, with bread and butter and a cuppa. Yes and damned bones. But somehow a frozen kipper fillet doesn't have quite the magic.
I used to like tinned kippers, no bones at all, but they give me indigestion now.
Quite a lot of food and drink gives me indigestion these days. Onions, peppers, coffee ad infinitum.....
Well the new telephone pole up. They had to park miles away as my neighbour unsuspectingly had parked his van awkwardly and they couldn't get up the little lane. Was so nervous that the other nasty neighbours were going to arrive brandishing legal papers, although all us legal as far as I know. Its on our own land!
well that's goodnews Neti.
Fingers crossed !
You ok now woofy? Slowly but surely get better
had a nice meal with friends on the South Bank, big Argentine burger and lots of caipirinhas as they were bogofs. Nice to get out of the house occasionally; I must do it more often. Am supposed to see a bank person tomorrow about updating accounts, but I don't think he actually has anything to offer - he rang up today, said he'd been passed our file (he wasn't the original person we booked with) and couldn't think what we wanted to talk about. I told him to find a reason for us to stay with his bank.
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Hello all
Too right Jno ,get him to do some work for his money.
I've had an exciting afternoon grabbing stuff and putting it out of reach.My niece came round as she wanted to talk about "women's things".
She misses her Mum and lives in a houseful of men so hasn't really got anyone to talk to about these problems and she's at that funny age.She brought her little grand daughter who's three and I'd forgotten how lively three year olds can be.She's a sweet little girl but a proper mini tornado:)
That's good news Neti.All systems go.
Hope the rest of you are OK.

hello all. Thank you for your kind enquiries. I am feeling much better, just so tired. That argentine hamburger sounds nice. Shaney your visitors sound lovely and I bet you helped your niece. Hope Robi is ok and hasn't fallen off the planet. I actually went out for a drive today with the dogs, we took a load of bottles to the bottle bank. Well be battening down over the weekend as we have a forecast for high winds. anyway night night all, sleep well.\
I have just found a very distatn relative born in Dull, Perthshire in the early 1800s. I looked Dull up to see where it was, and am told by Wikipedia (so it must be true) that's it's twinned with Bland, NSW, and Boring, Oregon.
brilliant Jno....I wonder if there is a town called Ennui in France?
Maybe there's one called Aburrido in España?
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Hello all
That's very amusing Jno.
There's a place called dreary and it's round here.It's awful out there,blowing a gale and raining but I'm a happy bunny having just taken delivery of a pair of shoes and boots from Hotter.Expensive, but my poor old feet deserve some TLC.They are very comfortable and well made.
Yes,I hope my niece takes on board what I advised her to do Woofy but it's her choice what she does.I just pointed out the pros and cons of which there are far more pros.
Hope you're all jogging along. I may take up jogging now I have some comfy footwear:)

We are supposed to be getting gales here but so far its just bright and breezy. I overdid it a bit yesterday so am doing sitting down sorting today....later on I might lie down and think about sorting..... I used to love Hotters Shaney but since they cut down their styles for wide feet (and mine are practically square) I have stopped shopping there. I contacted them a few times about it but just got fobbed off, oh well, their loss.
I tried Hotter for a while. Very comfortable but the rubber soles kept splitting after only a year or so. They kept replacing them for free but I got tired of taking them back. It was probably just a design flaw in the one model.
Morning all.
I looked at Hotter shoes but was not impressed with the styles. Had to chose between comfort or looking good. Looking good won! I may rethink if and when I go back to UK as my feet are so painful somedays.
ooh, neti, a painful foot woke me up. I suspect it is gout, which I haven't had for years (I take allopurinol every day). My big toe is throbbing. No shoes for me today.
thanks Jno. My nice window cleaner is here doing my gutters, the weather is vile and I said was he sure? but he said he would be fine.
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Morning all
Dull and blowing a gale but only a bit of drizzle as yet.Supposed to get worse later.
Haha Neti.Comfort wins out for me these days.I got slouch boots and pumps.The Mystery boots in black and the Angel shoes in black.Walking is painful enough without my feet screaming in protest as well.I had a shoe sort out yesterday and found a brand new pair I have never worn so they went in the charity bag.I bought them for my brothers anniversary party which never happened:(
Nothing doing otherwise.

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