Merlin (and Frankie) are nearly nine but the headbutting is a recent development. I have a corner desk next to another desk - she sits next to my shoulder and wallops me. It ceased being cute and funny a while back.
Frankie's the furry alarm in the house - sometimes he gets behind me and combs my longish hair with his claws. It is weird waking up to that.
Very cute. Mine will sit for hours on my lap if he gets the chance but I do feel it is all about him not give any affection back. My one girly wirly cat would head butt and smooch and let me twirl her tail. She was very affectionate and I miss her.
Frankie demands to sleep under the duvet with me - only when he wants and for as long as he wants. Sometimes he sleeps there all night, it gets a bit warm during the summer.
Merlin (Princess Stupid) asks to get under the duvet and then she runs down the bed and out the other end. I have given up on her!!