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Shear cheek

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Trillipse | 03:13 Mon 12th Sep 2005 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers

my next door neighbour told me that he recently took his golden retriever for not only a wash and brush up, but a clipping of its coat...

my two are very hairy boys, and i'd never considered a haircut for them, but like the idea - any thoughts?



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My Springer gets a tidy up twice a year. It just keeps their coats in good condition and makes them look a bit nicer.

Most long hair dogs will benifit from being clipped every now and then and gun the retreiver and my springer will probably benifit more as they're always in the bushes and undergrowth.
Yes the lady who clips my K.C. Spaniel breeds retrievers & keeps them clipped.  It's a good idea to keep their feet tidy.
Clipping is an essential especially for the rear end.
Not wise however to take a dog that has had a close
cut in high sun not being used to exposure they can
get sun stroke.

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Shear cheek

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