2 or even better 4!!
My first dog was very shy and loving and was a bit scared of other dogs - got him a friend now he is super confident and still as loving.
Take your current dog to meet potential new dog several times before getting - and dont get a puppy and that will require too much time and may result in jealous dog number 1
I thought about that spath, but i often have my sisters dog and she cwtches up on my lap and willis is never jealous. ever. not even when she's stayed more than a few days.
Definitely get another. Dogs love other dogs compny in addition to their owners. I have seven at the moment as two have recently died.
There is always jealousy involved but there is a leader who bosses the others. In my case a male poodle, a tenth the size of some of the others is the boss. The others cannot approach me without him jumping on my lap. He gets the treats first etc and then all the others who know this and there is never a problem. They all give love to both the other dogs and my wife and myself.....dogs soon learn.
It really is just as easy to look after two.
Actually, probably easier as they keep each other company when you go out. We have always had two, sometimes three, Labradors.
We made the decision to keep 'our last one' in March 2016 :-(
Oh jakep what was the reason you made that decision?
My father vowed at 60 he would not get anymore dogs 11 years on he swapped big dogs for smaller dogs and its given him a new lease of life.
I think Battersea dogs will let you bring your little one to meet any prospective doggy you are thinking of adoptive, make sure they like the look of each other.
We have two Rescues, A Staffie and a Staffie/Rottie Cross, got them about a year apart, They have great fun together, no problems at all, keeping an eye open for number 3 to be fair.
Sorry Islay, just come back on. Since we had our first pup about 19yrs ago we have holidayed in UK and Ireland, no problem, they are beautiful countries. On one occasion we went to Iceland for five days. Although it was interesting we missed our girls so much it wasn't worth it.
Will have a year or two, in the fullness of time, where we explore a bit further and then it will be SE Lab Rescue or Many Tears.
Do get another dog, especially if you are out of the house during the day.
We have always had 1, 2 or 3 dogs, in the past. Now, we have just 1 and when she goes, we may not get another one. On the other hand, we might get another 2!