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A Dogs Master

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fruitsalad | 10:21 Wed 12th Jun 2019 | Animals & Nature
115 Answers
Who would a dog consider it's master to be, if husband and wife share the chores, i.e. walking, feeding etc and spend equal amounts of time with it.


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no, i think you have been for a while.
Spath, the only thing that is deluded is you.Why do you persist in arguing with people who have actual experience of training dogs?
I'm not arguing anything. People have different views, and that is fine.
Lol you think i have been deluded for a while.
That’s so funny
Just read through this lot.

Spath, do you live on planet earth?

From having trained dogs I can assure you that your are talking out of your backside mate. Try sitting on it and give us all a rest.
Again, another who thinks simply saying it like they think it is is good enough for someone to simply say "ok".
Try and explain how, i'm wrong, YMB. Simply saying "i trained a dawg and yer wrong" aint good enough for a discussion.
Spath, you really are on the wrong track with this one. Come back when you have some experience andet us know what you have seen.
If you could quote me on how i'm wrong, that would be educational, instead of moot and antagonistic.
Spath, see Ken's post at 09.42 to see why you are wrong.
Ken thinks i'm referring to abuse. I'm not.. kens answer = pointless.

Maybe if people took the time to understand my posts instead of simply trying to silence me and rid me from the thread we could actually have a decent discussion.
Like.. ken literally implied i was saying kick and beat your dog to show it you're boss. That's not what i meant at all.

So it goes back to the point i've made many a time, (re-read if need be)

Dominance does not mean abuse and assault. It's the little things like feeding yourself before the dog, taking the dog for a walk on a leash, sleeping in a bed whilst the dog is on the floor or the foot.

If you know it or not, you are usually domonant over the dog.
We can't have a decent discussion when one person is completely out of tune with the people who have experience and know what they are talking about.
you say that like it's a fact.

You have no idea on my knowledge or experience with Canidaes
OK Spath, how many dogs have you had, and more importantly, how many have you trained.
having had dogs in my life for over 50yrs and can say, it's about training breed and temperament, dogs like the soft female voice
where as the male voice acts as dominance, but back to who is alpha
id say neither male or female but either, again correct training.
Spath, I don't think anyone is trying to get rid of you from the thread, but there are so many people here with years of genuine experience.... sometimes it is better to ask questions about what you would like to know, than assert something and defend it when you aren't sure.
oh and anyone who hurts animals should not be allowed to have them
not even a goldfish.
I just love this web site! I'm a "moron"; "warped" etc. And how many of you posrted in the recent OP about being offended, which is still running? :o)
I posted about the baby elephant because I thought some of you might be interested, not because I have any affection for elephants. Or any other animals for that matter.
"having had dogs in my life for over 50yrs and can say, it's about training breed and temperament, dogs like the soft female voice"

You obviously haven't heard me when I am not happy! Not with my dogs you understand. I never raise my voice to them or need to.
spath will be back later to rejoin the debate ... he's calling his dog in but he's ignoring him ....

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