Asthma (Follow Up) in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Asthma (Follow Up)

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Scarlett | 15:16 Sat 21st Mar 2020 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
My friend has been told by his boss at a DIY firm (shop) that he is not allowed to self-isolate unless he goes without pay. His boss said that my friend's asthma was not chronic. He said that he was young and fit and not vulnerable. He also said that the conditions were that you can only self isolate if you have ALL FIVE symptoms (fever/cough etc). He said he is following instructions from Travis Perkins/the government. My friend has had asthma since he was young. He uses a blue inhaler and often needs it; he is also very allergic to cats and can't breathe after being exposed to them. This boss clearly doesn't understand that chronic means long term not 'very bad'. He said that they have provided hand gel and wipes. I asked him about face masks and he said they had none as they were on short supply.
Is this man an idiot? My friend basically now has to work, serving customers in a shop at a time when we should all be hiding from each other. Thoughts please!
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I think there's maybe some confusing advice, information going around. I had a quick look at the AsthmaUK website and it says, in relation to the virus, 'if possible in your job, try to work from home'. That'd indicate that they're not advising everyone with asthma to stop working. There's further advice relating to what should be done if you have asthma AND symptoms of the virus.
One of my best friends is a nurse practitioner, asthamatic (and allergic to dogs) and is still working so I don't think the boss is an idiot.
According to this this person is fully entitled to isolate himself:-
The situation should become a lot clearer from Monday:

If you're at high risk

The NHS will contact you from Monday 23 March 2020 if you are at particularly high risk of getting seriously ill with coronavirus. You'll be given specific advice about what to do.
Does the employer mean there is occupational sick pay payable here. Would your friend be eligible for SSP now from day one?
Does your friend use a brown inhaler regularly or just a blue one if he needs it?
Question Author
He has a blue inhaler. I don't know about a brown one, possibly not. I know he gets wheezy and short of breath when he runs. I was told that he would have to be unpaid if he didn't come to work.
The NHS will contact your friend from Monday 23 March 2020 if he is at particularly high risk of getting seriously ill with coronavirus. He'll be given specific advice about what to do. He can show that to his boss.
Question Author
Thank you. Hoping the shop will have come to its senses and closed by tomorrow!

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