my dog will not do his business in the garden he will do the odd wee, but nothing else, so in this heat as soon as he needs to go, and he will let me know, I have to carry him over the pavements, (good job hes smallish) until we come to a shady grassy area, so he can go, anyone else have this problem?
Can you get doggy shoes jj I do take him out early 6.30 am and late evening, but its during the day, and he does number 2 usually three time a day, (hope that's not to much info).
I would try to train him to go in the garden too. Make sure you have enough time and patience :-) and reward him, if he does. Some dogs are so house-trained, they don't want to go anywhere at home x
Some friends of my daughter came for the weekend. Their dog had been trained to go in her own garden and flatly refused to go all weekend. By the time they left she had all four paws and her tail crossed, poor thing.