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Does Your Dog Get Upset By Fireworks?

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ladybirder | 15:03 Sat 31st Oct 2020 | Animals & Nature
53 Answers
If so can I recommend giving them Melatonin. I use it myself occasionally if I can't sleep and have given it to my last two frightened terriers on Bonfire and Halloween nights and they were totally calm. Not sure yet whether my new little chap is frightened of them but if he is he'll get a 1mg tablet as soon as I notice he's not happy.
If you are interested I'm C&Ping the dosage info.
//A general rule of thumb for melatonin dosage (up to 3x daily) for dogs is as follows: Dogs less than 10 lbs should be given 1 mg. Dogs weighing 10-25 lbs should be given 1.5 mg. Dogs weighing 26-100 lbs should be given 3 mg. \\
I hope someone finds this helpful.


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Like others we have yet to find out if Dylan has any fear of them. I have been playing the 'Crash, Bang Wallop' cd in the evenings and he doesn't seem concerned about the various noise on there.

Tilly never bothered. She took it all in her stride. x
Fireworks have been going off around here since September (started early this year). Luckily my dog isn't bothered by them, but my friend's dog is and I feel so sorry for her and her dog. Really, really time the sale of them was banned to the public. Why they are allowed to set them off in September and for weeks after so called bonfire night, it just doesn't make sense.
Yes on the whole she is very good and gets on well despite her issues.
We have to be careful what wood we burn on the fire as the crackle and spits terrify her, when we drive through Scotland and stop to stretch her legs even though the gun shots were miles and miles away she bolted so now kept on a lead, even bird scarer upsets her.
She must have been hit with a white tube as anything like that sends her into a panic.
She was kept locked up with sheep and lived on sheep nuts, if you give her a cuddly toy in the shape of a sheep she absolutely love it and will not chew it. She almost croons at it
We once had a miniature poodle called Figaro (r.i.p.) who was stone-deaf from birth & we could take him to firework displays which he found fascinating. Our present, lovely Hungarian sheep dog has incredibly good hearing is terrified of bangs. There is no bonfire night here, but New Year's Eve is a bit of a nightmare for us with her.

I'll explore the OP advice, thanks.
// Luckily living in NI we don’t really have fireworks in November//
and I dont take the dog into the centre of belfast ever
it is quite safe - ( joke coming up_ for your liddle doggie
as it has been tested on children
used as a premed for kiddie ops ( ops on children not ops by children altho some adult surgeons.... lardy lardy )
induces sleep in 30 % which I think is a crap response IMO
Lol PP
noisy night in my small village last night, what have fireworks got to do with halloween?

We've had no fireworks as yet but as I said earlier,Lola isn't fazed by them
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Some lovely posts to read this morning, thank you all.
Tilly, look up co-conditioning which has the highest success rate with dogs frightened of loud noises. It goes something like you leap up and start playing and give them treats and make it fun so they start to associate the noise with a good thing. I say highest, but I think the success rate was still only about 50%. Can you still "leap up"?
mm I want to hug her. Sounds like she's now having the best life she could have under the circumstances.
Love the name Figaro. I can just imagine calling him in the park Figaro Figaro Figaro Figaaaaro LOL. Do try, Khandro, nothing to lose. BS agree, I'm sure you signed Woof's petition and all, exactly, doesn't have to be about anything for some idiots.
I can still leap, LB. :-)

I'll the co-conditioning give it a try. Just how high do I have to leap?
ladybirder. A deaf dog tends to relate mostly to one person & in Figaro's case it was my wife, there is a possible sign language for deaf dogs which she got him quite used to.

In the family we still sometimes use it to one another jokingly - "I'm going out", hands over eyes " you are staying here", hands point to floor etc.
My dog is alarmed by most loud noises, even the air-brakes on buses and lorries. Though i must admit, hardly any fireworks last night, which was a blessed relief. The only thing keeping us awake was the drunken cackling of the Pendle Witches as they dive-bombed our houses for a half hour or so. I think they must've raided the nearby Moorhouses Brewery and imbibed too much of their Pendle Witches Brew :[-)
cut the toe out of an old pair of socks,place over dogs/cats can double or treble the and effective
Not yet dark and loud booming fireworks being set off now. Jill sleeping through it all, but I know my friend's poor old dog will be terrified. Idiots !!
Upset? He's furious...we never buy the ones that he likes.
I used to look after Husband’s son’s dog. The poor thing was terrified when fireworks went off. I bought a soothing spray thing, which didn’t work.

My cat runs off and hides if anyone rings the doorbell but she’s fine with fireworks.
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I think Jay is going to be OK. A few went off last night, not really close, but loud enough, so looking good.
tommy39 have you actually tried this or just read about it? Some animals will toterate it and some of those will find it helpful but for many it will just add to the distress. If you are going to try it then do it at quiet times and have lots of practice before the firework season starts

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