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Blue Tits Nesting

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McMouse | 14:03 Thu 04th Mar 2021 | Animals & Nature
9 Answers
Blue Tits started nest building in my wall box today. Is this early or about right?


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Scroll down to "When do blue tits nest and how long for?", here: It seems that there are wide variations! There's a lovely look inside the nest box, at all the tiny chicks, in this RSPB video:
17:35 Thu 04th Mar 2021
Think it's about right, keeping an eye on my nesting box too.
Yes about right. I’m so jealous - I don’t have one now as I’m in a flat. They work so hard for weeks and then they’re suddenly gone.
Scroll down to "When do blue tits nest and how long for?", here:
It seems that there are wide variations!

There's a lovely look inside the nest box, at all the tiny chicks, in this RSPB video:
I have two nesting boxes in my garden and they are both being investigated by the Blue Tits.
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Nice post Buenchico. Thanks
I would have thought it was too early, the weather can still turn quite cold before March ends, but I guess the little birds know what they are doing.
Robins have built a nest in their box over the last week, but no sign of Blue Tits using their box yet.
I would say its about right, I've seen blue tits and great tits visiting my box's for 2 - 3 weeks now, plus a robin building a nest in my ivy.
They are also busy at my and my neighbours feeders at the moment.
Spring does seem to have begun early today, saw some lambs being born last month, and birds beginning to nest.

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Blue Tits Nesting

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