Animals & Nature0 min ago
Insects Identification Help Please
17 Answers
Saw near a small pool, about the size of a hornet but fatter with a vivid light lilac blue abdomen, more like a n oversized bumble bee. Can't find it on any of the usual sites. No photo it moved too fast.
i was immediately going to suggest broad bellied Libelulla before I saw Milvus' answer https://www. /search?q=br oad-bodied+l ibellula+dra gonfly&s ource=lnms&a mp;tbm=isch& amp;sa=X& ;ved=2ahUKEw iig_KF8YrxAh XrDWMBHShaC2 8Q_AUoAXoECA EQAw&biw =1680&bi h=907
15:39 Wed 09th Jun 2021
are sure it was a blue abdomen not thorax?
could be one of these: https:/ / sectwee /discov er-inse cts/bee s-ants- wasps/r uby-tai led-was ps
could be one of these: https:/
I know what I didn't see, it was only bumble bee shape but definitely hornet size. The female was more like a hornet, no blue just stripes but slightly furry. They were mating when I arrived. No ceanothus by the pond, no blue flowers at all. I am usually quite good at identifying stuff but this was a new bug to me.
Probably a Broad-bodied Chaser (Dragonfly)
https:/ /www.wi ldlifet rusts.o rg/wild life-ex plorer/ inverte brates/ dragonf lies/br oad-bod ied-cha ser
i was immediately going to suggest broad bellied Libelulla before I saw Milvus' answer
https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?q=b road-bo died+li bellula +dragon fly& ;source =lnms&a mp;tbm= isch&am p;sa=X& amp;ved =2ahUKE wiig_KF 8YrxAhX rDWMBHS haC28Q_ AUoAXoE CAEQAw& amp;biw =1680&a mp;bih= 907
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