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Did You Have Any Pets When You Were Growing Up?

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manjuj445 | 18:14 Sat 21st Jan 2023 | Animals & Nature
57 Answers
Did you have any pets when you were growing up?


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Ginger dog was the love of my life. Died 5 years ago
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A goldfish
Lots around, always two dogs and then the numbers grew as we left the nest, ditto the cats, to the point at max, there were ten. Throw in the hamsters that my youngest sister seemed to assassinate, the goldfish, the rabbits and then two more sisters had ponies. We did live on an old Lake Distict farm....... I had a Labrador when I was eleven on and then one of the cats, all black, ears and tail adopted me with the woke name of W*g*y and she used to like to go down my bed to curl up around my feet and purr away when I was at home - she did this with no-one else.
Always had dog and cat in house when a child. Then a rabbit, and later on some mice.
So first time poster? Are we being taken for mugs? Thought AB was better than this.
Yes always had dogs and/or cats and the pleasure and inevitable
heartache that goes with them.
It's nice to chat about pets but what an odd first question, odd username and then doesn't even join in!
A little, white mouse with pink eyes but I ended up killing it.
Desperately wanted a terrapin but mum and dad kept saying no.
Grandma, next door, had a Corgi at one time. Horrid dog that was, very unpredictable.
We always had lots of rescue dogs (my dad always had at least 5, my mum only 2), cats, horses, rabbits, guinea pigs an aviary for budgies, an occasional hamster.
My sister and I used to constantly ask for more animals... but had to wait until we moved out.
I had two rabbits, Bashful & Happy, and two tortoises, Julian & Genevieve. When l was eighteen, I was allowed a dog called Scamp.
Also fish, tilly, we nearly got terrapins, or a tortoise, but we're told terrapins carry salmonella and tortoises were now illegal to import, so went onto birds instead.
Welcome to Answerbank manjuj445. An amusing little thread you've kicked off with. What about you, did you have any pets as a youngster ?

Snap! MWG14. First dog was called Scamp (I was too young to remember it or what it was).

To continue with names, next dog was Mickey (Manchester Terrier), then Learie (Labrador Retriever), then Fido (cross collie/something). Rabbit was Princess, last cat was Tiger.
Canary, I thought you didn't like dogs.
No Tilly, that's just a poisonous view taken by some over-enthusiastic pet-lovers who object to my insistence that dogs are properly treated.
We had a boxer called Zoe, then 2 more called Tracy and Flash when I was growing up. That's probably why they are my favourite dogs.
Oh, I forgot. I did have some stick insects at one time.
I had a white rabbit who died (put down) of coccidiosis when he was 5 months old. Broke my heart.
New poster wanting the answer to a commonly used security question.
A good question from the OP, whatever the motive.

MissTerious2 Handsome pooch for sure :-)

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