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Drastic Fall In Numbers Of 80%

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Chipchopper | 09:16 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers

of butterflies and bees!

What can we do to address the situation?



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10:36 Wed 18th Sep 2024

Start a scheme like Birdwatch?

On the Bee Bee See of course.

Ban the harmful pesticides.

We can all get a beehive. They were fashionable once.

And put up signs directing butterfies to our neighbour's cabbages, etc..*14xuhoi*_ga*MTc0NTk5MzA2LjE2NDYwNDUxNTg.*_ga_D9NS7GQC94*MTY0NjA0NTE1Ny4xLjEuMTY0NjA0NzIyNy4w&_ga=2.186856299.2119080534.1646045158-174599306.1646045158&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmLluXovBITm5yfP2W23SKjmhJ-Q&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIz5L7sZjMiAMVoZxQBh10nSDREAAYAiAAEgIRuvD_BwE       


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I think pesticides and herbicides are the root of the problems, and it would be a much safer world without them.

My fave bee attracting flower in my garden is salvia, which was sent to me by mistake due to a mix-up at the nursery, hardly a minute go's by without a busy bee on it. 

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Drastic Fall In Numbers Of 80%

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