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Cat's drinking behaviour!

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lindapinda | 21:09 Fri 17th Mar 2006 | Animals & Nature
9 Answers

My eldest cat Yasmin,always comes away from his drinking bowl with a wet left paw.At first I thought he was using it to "scoop" the water up,and lick it off his paw.But tonight,I realised that he actually stands with his left paw fully immersed in the bowl,and drinks the water as normal!!...He's been doing this for ages.Anybody elses cat drink like this?...Or is it just my mad moggy!!



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My kitty stands in the bathtub, allowing her head to get COMPLETELY wet from the drippy faucet we have and laps up water from the drain.....

Who knows why they do what they do -- god love 'em!

Is it possible that the bowl is too big ? If you used a slightly smaller bowl he may not be able to fit his paw and head both at the same time. Personally, the way i see it, is if it doesnt bother you and it obviously doesnt bother him, just let him be. I used to have a fountain for my kitty and he would make a complete mess out of the running water leaving water everywhere.
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I take your point peanut, doesn't really bother me :-) I'm just interested to see if other cats do the same!!

Hi linda, Your post made me grin, our kitty's have some funny habits eh!. I have always put water down for my cats yet I have caught my Millie drinking out of dirty buckets, the wheel barrow, and puddles in the garden!... My Misty who passed away over 5yrs ago used to sit in the bathroom sink, indicating she wanted a drink so we had to turn the tap on slightly for her, another cat we had "Blackie" we had to make sure the tiolet seat was down as we had found him drinking the water from there. Bless their little hearts. xxx :-)
we used to have a cat that would sit on the draining board and wait for the tap to be turned on would not drink from a bowl also we used to have ont who would get in the empty bath and pee straight down the plug hole ! never got a drop on the bath it was a lot easier than emptying the tray
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Hi catwoman,I was thinking about you when I posted this question! I knew you'd enjoy it! Yasmin loves drinking from the bathroom sink too,and the wee man climbs into the bath,and sits under the tap,waiting for it to be turned on! Like ruthann's cat,he does the same in the kitchen...doesn't make any noise,just keeps a silent reproachful vigil!
Although my moggy does drink from his bowl when he has no other option he much prefers drinking from my water glass. I quite often wake in the middle of the night with him standing his back legs on my head while his front legs are on the bedside table and his head is shoved as far into the glass as he can get it. I've tried using a narrower glass but he still seems to manage to get his head into it!
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Love the thought of that anna,our two drink from the bedside glass too!
I thought it was only my cat that was odd for drinking from the bath-he'll follow anyone in the bathroom,sit in the tub and wait for someone to turn the tap on til he'll drink out of it though. People think hes mad or hard done by even though I assure them he has clean drinking water in his bowl every day!

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Cat's drinking behaviour!

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