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plants with eyes

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VINNY100_2 | 14:02 Sun 14th May 2006 | Animals & Nature
506 Answers

Just found this while googling,its absolutely fascinating.Anybody got any of these in there gardens..!!(:-)




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I don't believe it, but won't give up!!

Hermitage museum in St Petersburg

Please ignore the dates on the photos, I can't do everything!!![/IMG] - these are the graves of Tsar Nicholas 2 and his family (minus 2) although the grave are there waiting for them.[/IMG] - this is beautiful and it's in Red Square, but for the life of me I cannot remember the name.

nice photos neti - is that the spilled blood cathedral (or something similar) in St Petersburg? I have a photo of it too but not nearly as good as yours so I won't go printing any links to it...
Hi woofgang nice to see you back .I don't come on here often but I do try to keep track of everyone's goings on.
Mind you it's not easy ,they are constantly on the move and I have to go and lie down with a headache.( sometimes no thought for the elderly!! Anyway welcome back.
Well done jno you spotted the (ahem)deliberate mistake, that was of course, some church in St Petersburg, there are so many I cannot remember them all. Here is

Cathedral of the Intercession or St Basil the Blessed, in Red Square.
My last one, this was taken last Sunday from the Cathedral walls of Ibiza Town.

mornin' all...back to dull & damp again...and that's just me.

what lovely pics you two! you must have very good cameras, I think I need a tutorial I can't always get the sharpness right. Mind you, I prefer my world to be a bit fuzzy.
I was going to use your pumpkins as my desktop jno but when it's stretched they're all 'kins & no pump.

oh Kit I had a catamaran when I was small...I was delighted when it plopped out of the cornflake packet. You had to blow up a tiny balloon & fit it into a small hole on the middle frame bit & It hurtled around the 'ole tin bath making a funny f4rty noise. Hey ho, now we've just got Vinny doing a similar thing.

right must dash, apparently I'm going to have a date with Des..... Des idea who he is, let's hope he's a hunk.

Mine's only a cheapo from Argos �59 last July, and half the time the battery wouldn't connect and half the time the photos were fuzzy, but I'm pleased with them, it's eversuch a small camera and fits in my pocket. Can't for the life of me sort out the date, so am in the year 2100. Am just learning how to download music onto my mp3 player, but of course that's another cheapo and it's very difficult. Have bought a cassette type thingy which fits into car cassette player and then I can play music from my mp3, as this car doesn't have a cd player to my chagrin!!
Positively my last:


This is the Home of Unwanted Women, where relatives put woman who had never married or who were widows. It is also the original Swan Lake where the composer (can't spell it) got the idea.
... now known as the biddybank...
bah, someone deleted my avatar and I had to sign in to SAB again to receive messages. Anyway, new avatar now, should be obvious to even the meanest intelligence. It is not a rice steamer.
I'll try not to take that it micro-slippers maybe? I'll have a look........

's a bit quiet in here....

haha....close...I got the fluffy bit. Must dust my crystal ball.
Allright Biddies, come out, come out wherever you are - I promise not to show any more of my holiday photos, or operation scars, please, please come back. <<sobbing neti throws away all memories of Russia in bin, and tears up shoulder x-rays>> deep joy!!
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huh..! im not falling for that promised before,then you posted another one when we want looking.. hehe..!(:O)
oh good-o...more room for my GARDEN pics...heee
Morning all
Nice to you to see you again woofgang after all this time .See you still have your woofer ! Shaney went to the big kennel in the sky earlier this year .
Lovely pictures everyone .
I am dead on my feet today after a lovely day out yesterday in Norwich with a friend .Nice to be in a big city again and Norwich is great for shopping and lunching .
We did have a wander through Primark Neti ....I thought of you as they had loads of leggings and the most amazing bustenhalters !
Morning All Well as nobody had a guess at why I am like a nodding donkey I'll tell you. I bought some varifocals and have been getting adjusted during the last few days. So now I can do my sudoku and watch the telly at the dame time.
Hope you are all ok today. It's a bit dull but not very cold here.
Lovely photo of Ibiza Neti. I have had some lovely holidays there and have almost the same photo I took when there.
I am off to The Playhouse tonight to see Stepping Out with my daughter in law.
Must get on now defrosting my fridge. See you later Bye for now :o)

the same time even!
oooh lordy, Jude, the opticians convinced me I needed varifocals to drive a couple of years ago... well, they were awful, like peering through a letterbox, my head swivelling round nonstop as I looked in the mirrors - impossible to drive like that. I took them back and demanded bifocals. I hadn't realised the sides as well as the bottom part of the lens would vary and there was hardly anything on the focal length I needed to see other traffic! Daft I calls it.

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