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plants with eyes

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VINNY100_2 | 14:02 Sun 14th May 2006 | Animals & Nature
506 Answers

Just found this while googling,its absolutely fascinating.Anybody got any of these in there gardens..!!(:-)




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You have to persevere with the old varifocals ...I couldn't get on with them at first but I couldn't have bifocals .I have tried them and tripped up and down several kerbs in the process. Mind you I can't drive so perhaps drivers find them hard to manage especially when you need quick reactions to things but for me they are purrrfect !
And ...I meant say before I got over excited ..the frame size is another factor . I thought I would be all with it and fashionable and got a pair of varifocals with a narrow frame . Hopeless ..I had to take them back and get a larger frame because I didn't have enough field of vision with them. But I wear my glasses all the time as I would need a white stick otherwise !
I just totter around in a fuzzy haze, bump into people & glare at them as if to say it's their fault.

have any of you galloping gourmets used Marigold Veg Bouillon? is it nice? can you send me some, hehe?...they'll never have heard of it round here.
I've run out of rusty tins & I'm going to have to get the cauldron fired up & make my own veggie slurp.....tut.

I had big frames, but the space allotted to glass that was the focal length I needed to see other traffic was relatively small, less than half the total lens, I think. Not nearly enough for driving, where you have to be on the alert through 180 degrees plus mirrors all the time. Anyway, bifocals let me drive much more safely, so no problem in the end. Of course my eyes keep changing anyway, and not always in the same direction (incipient cataracts, makes me sound like the source of the Nile).
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erm..that explains the last avatar..hehe..!
oh yes robinia..I use it all the time <the powder version>
I use it to make soups to.Its one of the few that doesent contain that horrible monosodium glutamate.Its nice as a drink to...1 tub makes 7.5 litres so that should last you a couple of days...joined up food remember.. (:O).
I'm back. One freezer duly defrosted and 'warming' up ready for the stuff to go back in. It's all in my sister's freezer at the mo. Will fetch it tomorrow.
I'm really getting used to my specs now and I think I am going to like them. I had reactolites as well so my sunglasses are now obsolete! Ok Biddyfriends that's 'bout all until tomorrow see you then! :o)
anyone know who this Jude person is? ^ ^ ^
she must have wandered into the wrong place, she needs to get her eyes tested :o)

(have a good time Jude)

thanks sprouters...that's the reason why I want some (no monos0ddit stuff)... my friend's going to pick some up in Sains for me.
7.5 ltrs? crikey, I'll be needing a bigger cauldron...better go & fetch me old dustbin from down the garden.
(there was a humungous spider in it last time I looked...hey ho, it's nearly Halloween)

Marigold Veg Bouillon is the bees knees of stock Robinia .Saves having to boil up bones and things ..! It is nice as drink ..better than salty old cuppa soups .
Right, I am definitely going to try this Marigold Veg Bou. I make a lot of soup so it will be ideal. Still got eratic CH. but it came on on its own last night, hurrah.
Evening, possums.

Well if Neti won't post her x-rays I'll do it for her. (And the other ones were lovely as well, Neti.)

How did your date with destiny go, Robinia - or is Des Tiny a stand up comedian on the telly, or what... I'm lost.

Glad you're getting used to your varifocals, Jude, I hated mine so now I have different pairs for different purposes and I keep putting them on and taking them off a hundred times a day. For knitting in front of the telly I... no I give up, I can't even begin to describe that in English, but it involves a piece of string around my head ha ha... use your imagination... the piece of string passes under the frame bridge that sits on your nose... and it sort of lifts the spectacles up so that I can look at the telly through them and at my knitting under them, and the string leaves a big red V on my forehead... does anyone understand what I'm talking about...

blimey, sounds like one of those ancient Scandinavian customs like reindeer juggling...
Right, jno, it's back to the slammer for you for that little piece about The Home for Unwanted Women now known as the Biddy Bank. I'm not talking to you but I might have a look at your avatar if you'd tell me where it is.
thanks shaney I just need these chopping now....cor, it's hard on the ole aching wrists being a domestic goddess.
tut maggie, it's bad enough having to beat Jude to the it's every biddy for the bouillon.

I'll save you looking for jno's Kit - it's a big hairy creature that eats porridge...very apt for a biddy.
(that'll teach her for saying we're unwanted)
My date's not turned up yet...must be lost in space.
kit, they only appear with posts you put on sports, like so t/Question467185.html
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You could make a pulley system kip.Attach a hook to the ceiling and tie one end of the string to your glasses with one can of becks on the floor and the other end to a can of becks with a long straw..When you want the glasses to go up,suck the straw and slowly empty the beer.The glasses should now rise and you should be able to control this with a bit of practice.This will involve a lot of beer and you may not be able to focus but it will be good fun trying hehe..! thats cute jno..(:O) means Im waiting fer me boat to come in...(:O)

jno you are an enigma. Can't figure you out.

Hi Robinia. I want some of that bouillon too but I'll probably never be able to identify it here, as we rename stuff or one brand buys another.

I've kept on looking for web sites with simple uploading facilities for slideshows received by email. mediafire seems easy enough, and you don't have to register/create an account unless you want to. Here's Shaney's Christmas again, just give it a few seconds and a yellow box will appear which says "click here to start download". Click it and choose if you wish to open (and watch) the file or if you want to save it to your own computer.
To upload one of your own slideshows, just save it to your Desktop or My Documents or wherever and let Mediafire browse for it there, upload, scroll down to bottom left of page and click "copy link" where it says "sharing URL". That's the code that you copy onto the AB.
here's another one (use your keyboard arrows to go forth)

Bye now.

oh he's wasted on here Kit....
he's always been inventive

I'm just visualising you watching tv through a cat's cradle...
Kit oh Kit go back and look at the Sports bank as I've also got my avatar on there. Ah sweet!!!

Wrist warmers are lovely, am using them today as it's really getting chilly now, thanks Kitx
oh dear, I wasn't trying to be mysterious, sorry if I haven't spelt anything out sufficiently.

Hello? Helloooo?

Pah, all off celebrating Diwali or something.

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