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kentishman | 17:02 Sat 22nd Jul 2006 | Animals & Nature
2 Answers
we live a mile from the sea and have never been bothered by seagulls, but now they screech and circle all day long. The garden used to be peaceful but now it's unbearable. We are having a new town main drainage system dug, could this have any bearing on this.


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The trouble with gulls is that they are moving inland in huge numbers, larger numbers nesting inland than on the coast due to easier pickings of food. The problem you are having is most likely caused by the parents of young gull that are on the ground and still learning to fly so mum is screaming and shouting as a warning, usually first thing in the morning and probably nesting on a rooftop nearby, the problem should go very soon when youngsters are able to fly and leave the nest. Very unlikely to be caused by drains.

im a pest control officer
You often see gulls inland foraging around landfill sites and they may have become accustomed to seeing large diggers moving the rubbish around and associated them with any digging machinery being used by the water work maintenance team. The parents can be pretty aggressive if they have youngsters with them and these, although probably fledged by now are still staying close to the parents and are probably still largely dependent on them for food.

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