I have a yellow labrador. He is a pedigree, and he is 13 months old. (male)
My brother - in-law has a black labrador. Which is also a pedigree. (male)
His dog is only 1 week older than mine...why is my labrador nearly half the size of his. HIs labrador is HUGE. It's almost like its not even a labrador...is this normal??? I know it depends on genetics and all that, but I am sometimes worried that mine is malnutritioned or something???
One reason could be the breed line if they are bred from a line of large dogs (like humans) they will tend to be large as well. There are 2 types of labs one bred for sport (they tend to be clever as they are bred for their brains) the other for show these tend to be shorter legged and broader. Our lab didn't look like a lab at all until she was 2 yrs old as she is from pure pedigree sporting stock she is kennel club registered but wouldn't win any prizes in the sho ring.
Thank you for your answer......Mine is definately from sporting stock then, come to think of it, he is very clever, almost too clever sometimes, and he runs....i'm sure just as fast as a greyhound when I take him to the fields to play!!!! :)