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StreetEndBoy | 09:54 Tue 10th Oct 2006 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers
Have 2 young kittens 5 mths old. How can we teach them not to climb onto kitchen work surfaces or tables etc.?


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Erm...first of all good luck! I have an 18month old and a 6 month old and they wont be told!! Everytime they get up onto the units or table i put them on the floor and say 'no' in a firm voice - LOL!!
But they will still climb up when you arent looking!!
Put something they dont like up there - tin foil or bottles or water that will roll about and scare them!!!!
put something up there that scares them.

You don't train cats, they train you.
Hi....simple won' What you will have is a really clean kitchen....leave no food out, and the washing up must always done!!! I always said to my friend...a cat owner, ''How can you let them walk on the counters?''..... Now I have Church...."23 week old Kitten...and a big bottle of spray disinfectant. Doesn't matter how much I tell her, shout at her or put her on the floor...she's back!!! But like I has never been

Good luck

Lisa x

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