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Chewing/Toilet Trainiing

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EDBROOK | 10:57 Tue 10th Oct 2006 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers
We have a 13 week old alsatian and are wondering when he will stop chewing everything especially us. He nibbles at our feet legs and hands.

Also we take him out for regular walks but he will neither poo or wee outdoors. Although we put puppy pads around the house he still messes away from the pads.

Any suggestions


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Hi, your puppy is still extremely young to expect too much from him! As far as the chewing goes, give him things that he can chew on....when he tries to chew on your feet etc distract him with a toy, there are loads available for his age range. As for the house training....repitition...repitition...repitition....he is still young...praise when he does it right, and ignore when he does it wrong, it can take a while for a puppy to learn to do his business outside. If you have never owned a dog before there are lots of sites that may help you out....I will try to post some for you.
The things that you state as problems are just part of the pup growing up and learning and you should really been aware of this before your puppy came home. May I suggest some further homework on owning a puppy...

Lisa x
Well said divegirl.

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