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my emotional ties to my animals

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mybabies14 | 02:47 Sun 04th Feb 2007 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
what does it mean when my animals in my life mean more to me than most people in my life?


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Might have something to do with the fact that animals are more trustworthy than most humans, and give their love unconditionally.
Quite aggree Lonnie
It means you're getting wise...
I have a black lab, and i am not asamed to say he is my best friend. He is protective of my wife and loves kids, keps me company and will always be there for me although he cant answer me i know he is listening
im exactly the same!
my pets mean more to me then pretty much anyone or anything. I have 6 cats, who i love soo much, also a Samoyed, who means more then the world to me. Unfortunately, i soon have to fave rehoming him.
People dont seem to understand it when i say, if it means getting rid of any of my pets, i wont have kids.
I means your just like me.

My pets which are all small not to be-little them but they are not very intelligent not dogs or cats but guniea pigs and a rabbits.

But I love them dearly, but as a result I am a big worrier. I worry that as they are so important but also dependant on me I worry about their saftey all the time. I worry about house fires and what would happen to them all locked in their cages. I constantly switch electrical appliances off all the time but it does not stop me worrying.

I think about how much better my life would be if I didn't have that worry but that would only happen if I didn't have them as pets and once you have fallen in love with these creatures giving them up isn't thinkable.

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my emotional ties to my animals

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