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LeedsRhinos | 07:41 Sun 04th Feb 2007 | Animals & Nature
1 Answers
We have an established Oak tree which was ringbarked to a height of about 2 feet by some goats (don't ask). We were told the tree would be dead but the following spring it began to shoot buds and produced leaves until autumn when it shed it's leaves and sprang to life the following spring. It is now the middle of summer (NZ) and the leaves have suddenly all died (though not dropped off). Can anyone please shed some light as to what has suddenly happened?
Thanks in advance.


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Hi there,
I'll resist any jokes like 'You must be kidding' oop's sorry.

Seriously though, If the goats had eaten right through the bark and cambium layer (which conducts all the sap etc) right down to bare wood, then I think the tree would eventually die but may live on 'borrowed time' for a year or two with the sap reserves already stored within the tree, above where the damage was caused.
I wonder if it's an option to saw it off cleanly just below the damaged area and with luck it may re-sprout from that point but of course to tree would have a more bushy shape to what you had before. Good Luck. Tbird+

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