Why are labs so greedy in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Why are labs so greedy

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meaty | 12:43 Mon 19th Mar 2007 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers
I have a lab and golden retriver and ithey eat every thing and anything even silly things why because my collied dosent
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yes they will eat anything in sight, the choc labs are the worst for it. they are also the worse chewers, i know someone that has had to have her washing mashine replaced as it chewed all the buttons off. we get alot of people come in our shop about them and some people use the plastic cage muzzles when they go out as they pick everything up.
Don't the plastic cage muzzles stop ANYTHING entering the mouth? What if they need to drink? Lisa.
Labs are greedy, it goes back to working days, when they were dragging the nets in, there wasnt much food so anything was scavenged and eaten. They also gulp because of the way they were fed, they needed food as they worked but it was too cold to stop and eat, so they had to learn to gulp it down, small fish and guts, no need to chew!
In response to the first answer, iv had labs all my life, all greedy but never allowed to steal, chew or raid bins etc. Basic manners are all thats needed!
amazing facts about Labrador retrivers and it is true who told them i dont know could this be why?

Every Labrador retriever dreams about bananas.


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