Are your cats too fat? in The AnswerBank: Pets
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Are your cats too fat?

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AB Asks | 15:59 Wed 08th Aug 2007 | Pets
7 Answers
Over-feeding cats can cause them to get diabetes according to new research. Overweight cats are more than three times as likely to suffer from the disorder as those who have healthy diets. Do you feed your cats healthily? Is it a form of cruelty to overfeed pets?

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/edinburgh_ and_east/6933482.stm
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It is definitely a form of cruelty to overfeed pets - if they were that much underweight the owners would be prosecuted.

What really gets my goat is the 'pet slimmer of the year' competitions where the owners get a holiday and a years supply of food for their cat/dog.
Blue is the correct weight but Tigger is a little bit overweight. I have tried lowering her food intake but she ends up eating Blue's leftovers as well. What can I do?
Feed them separately and take up any leftovers.
I so agree with lankeela. It is not only cats that are subjected to a cruel early grave by their owners. I have often wondered why the RSPCA or kindred organisation has not pushed for registration of pet owners after passing a general animal sensibility test. Grossly overweight cats, dogs, caged birds and various small mammals are all the result of well meaning but ill-informed owners.
My cat looks super skinny. She is part siamese but has normal black and white coat, even her pointed face and ears dont make her obvious so people always think she is too skinny. I dont like seeing fat pets though.
Well my two cats are very different and I once was told by my vet that cats are the same as people, they can be naturally skinny or naturally fat. Although I do agree about over feeding pets. One of my cats is skinny and one fat (he weighs about 14 lbs.) but, and this is the odd thing, my fat cat eats less than my skinny cat. Fat cat just picks at his food, and skinny cat eats everything in sight. So what is happening here ?
Cats are just a conundrum, pussnboots!

I can't bear to see overweight pets, and am in total agreement with you all, it IS cruelty. We as owners are responsible for every aspect of our pet's life. If I am fat (and I am a little!), that is my fault because I know what I eat, and that I ought to exercise more. IF my dog is fat (which he isn't, at all!), that is also my fault, as it is up to me to feed him sensibly and exercise him adequately.

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