Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all babies are cute to their mothers, although to this day Mother Nature is working hand-in-hand (and getting a back-hander, no doubt) with the pet food industry so that she makes the babies cute, we fall in love with them, and they rip us off left, right and's what makes the world go round! :o) Trudi
[To all AnswerBank Editors - if you are going to edit a post, to the detriment of its comedic value, please edit it correctly and do not leave parts of HTML code hanging around. - IndieSinger]
Apparantly it has to do with the relatively large head and short legs of young animals which evokes some kind of 'oh' factor in humans. If you think about it kittens and puppies are really most appealing when they at that age when they are starting to crawl/walk. This is also the case with human babies but because we mostly see them at a much earlier age they are only attractive to the parents - and ofcourse grandparents. Because we are not covered with hair, human babies look like a gaint wrinkled sausage as if they have been made by a drunken butcher.(excepting TW)