There are various suggestions like rubbing on vaseline and other home remedies, but really you need to get them out with a special tweezer and you should grasp the tick firmly with tweezers where the tick�s mouth meets the dog�s skin. Slowly and steadily pull the tick, trying to get the whole tick at once. Don�t twist the tick or jerk as you may break the tick�s body and risk leaving it�s head behind. After removing the tick, clean the area with an antibiotic, alcohol or another disinfectant.
The tick should then be killed by soaking it in a jar of alcohol.
Do not apply surgical spirit or any other chemicals to the tick whilst still attached to the dog The application of any solution, heat or cold, can cause stress to the tick and cause it to regurgitate the contents of its stomach, which may contain infective organisms. Surgical spirit, alcohol, or general antiseptic should be applied to the bite site after the tick has been removed.
However, having said that, unless you have done it before under supervision, I would strongly recommend you take your dog to the vet.
To avoid a reinfestation of the ticks you should use frontline, readily available online. ex&cPath=3&zenid=f833e57bc799cde2c50426e186214 77e