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warpig3 | 12:16 Fri 12th Oct 2007 | Animals & Nature
9 Answers
I am currently reading a book (Narrow Dog to Carcassonne) and the author mentions that his dog Jim has four rows of teeth. do whippets have 4 rows of teeth, or am I just being really thick and missing some sort of joke within the book?

warpig (two rows of teeth)
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I work for someone who has 3 Whippets and they have the same amount of teeth as any dog.
Should imagine that they are the same as any other dog, but had to answer as I absolutley love Carcasonne, and would recommend a visit.
Just a thought!!!!!!!!!

Two rows of baby teeth, two rows of adult teeth 4 rows of teeth.

Question Author
LOL, thank you all for your answers, as I don't have a dog I am assuming a normal dog has two rows of teeth ie one top and one bottom!

horsestache that could be it although he doesn't mention the dogs age, I though maybe this was something unique to whippets but then again maybe not as I know diddly squat about dogs.

Many thanks to all
Warpig sweetheart , hello, spotted your thread and just wanted to pop on to ask how you are and let you know I am thinking of you ((( hugs )) :-) xxx
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Morning bigmamma, I am doing fine, still don't have much of a bump yet, bought my first maternity trousers last week and they are too big! Other than that everying is fine and dandy, no complaints. Went home for a couple of weeks to see the folks and my mum is so excited. Isnt it fantastic how the beginnings of a small life can bring so much joy to someone!

warpig xx
Warpig , so pleased you are doing well , that's good to know . I got a giggle thinking of your maternity trousers hanging at half mast ! :-0) xxx
Top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right maybe?
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noweia I did consider that but when he writes about it in the book it is written with a source of amusement and interest and there is nothing much amusing or interesting about dogs teeth. I dont know, I am comletely flumoxed!

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