i bought one for our dog and it is marvelous .. after just one day before we bought it and using it the floor used to be akin to tumbleweed with dog hairs! since using it i hardly see any shedded hair... if your dog is like ours with hair loss buy one and see the difference.
This is being discussed on one of my Border Collie groups at present. They say you must only use it in one place for a maximum of three strokes, or else you'll take out all the coat and not just the undercoat. Also you can buy them cheaper on ebay.
Most Border Collies have loads of coat, so I think its a case of using them sparingly like they say and not expect them to remove all the coat in one go.
I bought it - I've been itching to buy something on Ebay for days.
Frankie gets the odd brush as he is a smooth and handsome little hunk. His sister (Merlin) is all hair and fluff now that her winter coat has arrived. And she is pretty short tempered.
Thank you ladies and PatriciaH for asking the question.