I dont agree. I have had a long haired breed for 25+ years, and apart from when they are blowing their coat I only brush them once a week with a bristle brush.
When they 'blow' their coat I bathe them and use a blaster dryer which will remove any loose coat, including the undercoat. This is the only time I brush them on a daily basis, and just for a few weeks to get rid of any old coat and to stimulate new hair growth. I find the moulting process much less painful for my hoover this way. I never use any kind of metal, pin or slicker brush on them as it will only loosen the undercoat, and damage the top coat.
I was asked to groom someones dog ready for Crufts, not having seen the dog before it arrived I thought it was 'out of coat'. The owner told me that it had never had a coat like what my dogs had and constantly moulted. She then produced a variety of pin brushes, including a furminator, that she was using on an almost daily basis. She was effectively loosening and removing all the undercoat before it had a chance to grow.