i guess so as i had caught a glimpse of a banana on the bird table on early tv there--dont know it the commentary mentioned banana tho-but bread def a no no----also folks feed 'the local ducks' bread which is bad for their system--something like mixed grain much better
They'll find bananas pretty hard to peel as they have feathers on their hands.
Softbills like blackbirds and thrushes may have a peck at it but I can't imagine any of your feathered visitors boasting to their friends about your nana offerings. It will also go yucky pretty quick. Chopped up apple is much more appreciated.
I put out some mealworms, seed mix, and chopped banana about three hours ago. The banana hasn't been touched, but the rest have completely gone. Even a crow that came to investigate took a look, visibly sneered, and flew off!
lol ok i think i1ll give bananas a miss then....i saw it on bbc this morning they had a banana and said we should put fruit out... i know they love apples tho