Animals & Nature is a lovely site. So many interesting questions and answers from mostly genuine people.
I thoroughly enjoy the banter and debates and the knowledge that I gain from everyone who enters into the spirit of the site.
Why then do we have to put up with the half wits that post cruel/stupid/un-funny comments to genuine requests for help?
I am not referring to the 'chicken' episode - that was a debate and a half and yes, we all had our thoughts on that. But today - there have been a few individuals who get a kick out of ridicule and posting comments that are not appropriate!!
Surely this will put people off posting genuine questions?
See previous posts today.
What is the answer? Do we ignore them in the hope that they will go away?
Why do these people get a kick out of this sort of behaviour?
Now see I also dislike that attitude too (sorry ladies- lol)
Why do you feel you can't venture into ChatterBank? Whilst there is some errr shall we say more vocal members there, the majority of us aren't THAT bad you know!
I know that boo, thanks for the reply. But i really am just an animal/nature person. There are some lovely people on this site, i can tell that from the postings (is that the right word)? I go onto the quiz site sometimes, but time is sometimes limited - I take my lovely dog for
walks, love gardening, watching the wildlife and generally keeping happy. Would not feel comfortable on chatterbank.
Bless you anyway. Enjoy chatting! :o)
I agree BOO most of the posters ARE really nice, somehow the minority spoil it for me. However I admit it does look a bit better than earlier in the year. Nothing personal most of you seem great. :-))
Hi alfieblue, I have come to love this ection of A/B I used to spend lot of time on chatterbank, and most over there are great, really good laugh, but I love this part, for its content and the people that are here, you included, the people on here have been really nice to me and I have learnt so much from you all, so carry on and stay as lovely as you are alfie, take care, keep posting, and enjoying nature, Ray xx
Thank you ray, must admit i went on a real downer with a lot of the answers to my post. I guess i jus t dont appreciate modern day humour - im sure they dont mean anything by it, still dont understand it! But i hate to think i have upset them with my comments, though t hey upset me a touch with some of theirs.
I will never understand it. However you are right, there are some lovely people on this site, you included and i will carry on enjoying nature and all it has to offer.:o)
Just carry on posting alfieblue and try to ignore those that crave attention in otherwise enjoyable threads. I enjoy the banter in quite a few of the sections and usually ignore the offensive and insensitive postings (although yesterday I really got angry and let it show).
I don't think age has got anything to do with whether we enjoy some of the 'humour' on here. I think there are quite a few youngsters that avoid it too.
I enjoy our 'meetings' on here and the light hearted banter. So keep posting young lady!
I too find it really horrible reading cruel comments in threads where people are in trouble and want serious answers. I really can't understand why people feel they have to post in them, other than they crave attention. Perhaps that's the only way they know! Best really to ignore them, but it's really hard.
Thank you LoftyLottie - It is hard to ignore some of the comments - but I will try. Im middle aged, was brought up to respect life, and never would i have posted some of the things that i have seen. But you are right, i need to ignore them.
I love this section, love reading the questions and 'most' of the answers. I was thinking this afternoon that perhaps i should pull the plug on it but....... no, why should i? They are in the minority after all!!! And I love hearing from all you good 'uns.
just ignore the stupid comments i know its hard but there are lots of good people on here who helped me so much when i had troubles a few weeks back it was so good to be able to come on here and talk with like minded people who understood how i was feeling .
alfieblue, you sound like a really nice person who cares about animals. I, too, get fed up with people who post stupid questions that have no relevance (i.e. dog/sheep!!). I hope I haven't upset anyone with my answer to a question yesterday (I've apologised for that already - I just got a bit wound up!!). I sometimes think it's best to ignore the daft questions, but can't help but tell these people what I think!! Oh dear, I'm waffling, aren't I? Anyway, I agree with you! K x
I don't mind some of the daft questions, and we usually find a way of dealing with the usual culprits, but what I object to is the totally insensitive and irrelevant answers given by some absolute morons, which seems to have escalated somewhat lately on here. I expect them in Chatterbank, cos they've obviously got nothing better to do, but when new people come on here asking for genuine advice I think they must wonder what planet some of the posters are on.
Hello alfieblue, I think I have missed the worst of this over the past couple of days, having not been around...
SO I just wanted to say, although we haven't 'spoken' much, you seem like a lovely kind-hearted lady with a lot of respect for animals and people. Your answers always make me smile, you obviously care lots about your pup-pup, and I like you!
Some people sidle up to A & N to make snide comments because they know us animal people are loving and sensitive. Ignore them, please, they will go away...
Glad you have decided to stay, alfieblue. We would miss you very much.
I'm just back from the dentist with a numb face, which should be interesting as I am now going out for lunch with a friend (to the Springwatch site this year!!) and will probably dribble as I try to eat.
Have a lovely weekend. Look forward to 'meeting' you again soon.
I agree with what the others have said but I know that it is difficult at times not to respond to these halfwits, but I think it's the best to do.Must admit that at times I just get that uptight that I do.But stay with us, it's a too nice a site to let the morons win alfieblue.g.