cats fouling in my garden in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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cats fouling in my garden

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dartsfish | 17:53 Sat 31st May 2008 | Animals & Nature
33 Answers
cats keep coming in to my front garden & fouling on my chuckies any ideas how to stop this?
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"chuckies" - as in what?
What are chuckies? Don't understand.
Stones, pebbles lol, try orange peel or if you can get the fishmonger to get you starfish they work so im told, personally my hands in throttling would stop the vermin
Hi dartsfish you can get a plant which will deter cats, you keep it potted and move it around to suit.I have three cats and it works well on my flower beds, details as follows............Coleus Canina ... height and spread 60cm....grey/green foliage...blue flowers in the summer common name cat shoo.Hope this is of some help.g.
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Lion dung pellets are excell. Sprinkle them over the stones etc - last for ages and pussy cats will not like the smell - tho you won't notice it. Available from all good hardware/gardening stores.
Hi garner! So pleased you gave details of the 'cat shoo' plant.
My neighbours were asking me about plants to deter the pussy cats from 'using' their front garden (they use the lion dung pellets but also wanted an alternative eg: plants to brighten up the ground) and i knew i had read about it a few weeks ago but couldn't for the life of me remember what is was called.

I will now pass the information to to them.

Ps - In A Pickle - I also thought chuckie was another name for a chicken!!! Must admit I was wondering!!! :o)
If you have plants such as Pyracantra, Hawthorn or such, keep your prunings and lay them around your `chuckies` whatever they may be, and in dry weather put down `Pepper dust` but not ordinary pepper,which you can purchase from gardening centres.
Therema! Cats ARE NOT vermin. I understand gardeners who have cats poo on their garden, unlike dogs, they are clean, and bury it. Dogs are what I call ' Martinies', they do it - anyplace - any time - any where'. I am a cat person, but I do like 'proper dogs', not yappies. I have a communal garden, and if any dog poos on it, I clear it up, NOT threaten to throttle them.
Oh dear! Well I love all animals, cats, dogs etc etc. Would never consider throttling anything!. All this is easily solved - a little humane deterrent for the puddy cats and poop sacks for dogs. Keeps everything clean and everyone happy :o)
i might threaten to scalp big ginges backside, but thats because he will keep using my nicely dug over flower bed as a place to poop......................hee hee
Ha ha madboutcats!!! The puddy cats just love turned over soil!!! Guess they think its been done for their 'convenience'!!!!

:o) xxx
To 1rovert ive had cats all my days up until 6 yrs ago i got a dog and wouldnt see a cat *vermin* in my way they ruin beautiful gardens and. kill the plants off with their acidic pee, my dog is not yappie, she doesnt poo everywhere and if she does have an accident im there with her to clean up also she does not roam into other peoples gardens to do her needs as i look after my dog and the one before her as for cats they should be put out of their misery
Ok Therema - calm down - I think you have possible said enough to upset a lot of good people on this section.

Cats are not vermin! Why say that when you stated that you kept cats? What on earth were you doing keeping cats if you feel like this.

You sound very bitter!

At least have the decency to show some compassion towards 1rovert - have you not bothered to read the messages that rovert has posted recently about a much loved cat??

shot gun or a high powered pellet rifle should do the trick.
Oh for goodness sake have some common sense graviate children come on these sites Do not encourage these awful deeds which you keep posting.It's time the edit team got their act together and banned your stupid answers, enough is enough.
I agree g! It is way out of line!!!!

Gravitates answer to the goat question should not have been allowed on this section - or anywhere!!!

The site is for families - and no-one should be subjected to that!!!!

The powers to be on this site are going to have to clean up the act else a lot of people will go elsewhere!!!

And gravitate - its not in the least bit funny - its sick when you must realise that kids look at this site, particularly the animals n nature section. Keep your smutty nasty answers to yourself!!

Suggest that you go gravitate elsewhere !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Alfieblue!
But I can give as good as I get.
Gravitate: You are one of the many cruel people that we read about, and usually a coward, and a bully. Faced with an adversary your own size, you would most likely run. Shooting ANY animal with a pellet gun is cowardly, the sooner someone obliterates your kind, a safer and happier world we will have.
Therema: I�ve met your kind in camp sites all over the country. Drive a 4X4 towing a caravan, bringing your disruptive dogs and kids, and have a generator, ruining the quite countryside. I bet you have the audacity to tell your friends (if you have any) that you are an animal lover. For your information, it was cats that helped save this country from the plague, and like most dogs, have given comfort to many sick and elderly people. You like your counterpart gravitate should be kept off of this site, or any site to do with animals.

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