Afternoon, biddies, hard to remember when you turn your computer on that you're supposed to be in Kenya isn't it. How quickly this A&N page is ticking away! Last night I was enthralled by a thread posted by a tomcat and answered by a bunch of other cats... us animal people, we're deranged aren't we. Later on I remembered lion tamers do use stools as a shield so I may have done young
Robinia an injustice by implying she needed it to climb onto the lion ha ha ha...
Now, now, I'm sure it can't be all that bad,
Did you see, Andy Hughes has started posting Word Of The Day in Phrases & Sayings, they're quite funny, here's
yesterday's word
Tai chi was wonderful yesterday evening, we're in this huge room with a wooden floor that's very soft on your bare feet and our teacher turned the lights off and let us do the form by candlelight, oh I wanna do it again.
enough of this gay banter