my dog-leila, she has lots freedom in the house when i at home, she is allowed to stay in our bed and sleep on it as well. i heard when dog into season, could be lots mess, im not sure shall i started to let her off bed?
since last time we moved her cage to downstair instead of my room, she started ******* in her own bed, so we let her to stay in the room now. im not sure if any changing of her habit, would cause any problem? thanks
Get her used to sleeping in her cage in your bedroom. Then why not have her spayed by your vet. This will solve the problem of her coming into season, and I really think you should do this to prevent any chance of either wanting to breed from her, or accidentally letting her get pregnant, as although you obviously love her dearly, with the best will in the world you haven't got much of a clue about looking after a dog, let alone breeding a litter, and I am sure you would not want to risk losing her if things went wrong.
Its not the easy money getting game that some people think.
oh and lankeela she sleeps fine in the cage in the room. and she sleeps fine downstairs in the cage. but for some reason she wee weees in her cage downstairs. If your such a genius with dogs then how do you stop that?
I would look at why she wee wees in her cage. Has something frightened her when alone downstairs, does she see it as punishment, does she find it hard to alert you if she needs to wee wee, there could be any number of reasons. If she is happy in the cage in the bedroom then why put her downstairs?
God help her if you plan to breed from her, if you don't even know what a bitches season is like.
lankeela, thanks for reply, she is my first dog, im trying my best to look after her tho, so seek for some help here to get prepared. dont think lots people know dogs well untill they got a dog? i may move her cage back to upstair then in this case.
Good idea, get her used to sleeping in it upstairs again. Put her in there with a chew or a bone to keep her occupied, then if she turns out to be a messy bitch you won't have to worry about your bedding getting stained. Some bitches are very clean and you don't notice any mess, but some drip all over the place. Just think, twice a year for the next ten or so years! Sure you don't wanna get her spayed?
it wont be in my control anymore, im just trying to do what i can before i leave her. i shouldnt agree from the first place to get the dog, never expected the relationship is that weak and gonna finish so soon. i do really really feel guilty now for her.
We had boxers when I was little, at least two, and one was a b!tch (I'm sure this would get starred...sigh)
My dad used to make her wear dog nappies when she was in season, as he bred her a few times. She didn't like them much at first, but she accepted them after a while. She was dripping everywhere otherwise.