Assuming you are indeed in the UK:
Tawny owl is probably the most common. Found pretty well anywhere where there are trees. If you are hearing hooting at night this is probably it -- especially at this time of year.
Little owl is also very widespread, mainly in farmland with pasture, hedges and single trees. Its "hoot" is quite high-pitched, more of a whistle.
Barn owl is quite scarce, near open rough ground. Noises are screeches, hisses and moans. Often nests in unoccupied buildings.
Short-eared owl hunts over wild open land in the daytime, especially moorland and grazing marsh. It's not unusual there, but not found much elsewhere.
Long-eared owl is very similar, but keeps to the night, and lives in woods.
For some reason, the long-eared replaces the tawny on the Isle of Wight. They don't have nuthatches either...