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mintymow | 13:09 Tue 23rd Jun 2009 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
For the first time we have pigeons nesting in our apple tree. The problem is we have a very active hunting cat. My fear is that it will all end in tears, probably mine! Should i discourage them now by chasing them away and taking the nest down. A part of me is fascinated to watch the development of young pigeons because its not seen very often but I know I will be really upset if our cat takes the young. I shall know if he does because he very kindly brings a lot of his catch into show us. Any advice?


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Against the law to disturb a nest or nesting birds so no, leave it.
Put a bell collar on the cat, even if you don't like them, it could be temporarily, while the pigeons are nesting. I assume you mean wood-pigeons, and if so don't worry too much. We have wood-pigeons who nest each year, and also have two cats, who while not particularly hunters, can be a bit curious. If they get too near to the tree where the nest is, the parent birds will dive-bomb the cat, who then makes a rapid departure for home. The expression on the cats face is hilarious, and needs to be seen to be believed. As the previous poster commented it is illegal to disturb a bird's nest. So don't worry too much, I'm sure all will be well.
don't settle for one, murph has 6 of the little things, she can't move without jangling, its great no more little treats!
Have you tried chasing pigeons away?

'specially if you have growing veg in the garden

maybe I could borrow your cat!
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Thanks everyone, guess we will just sit back and await developments. Actually I think this pair are not very proficient, there seems to be as many twigs on the floor as in the tree, so maybe there will be nothing to be concerned about.
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As I thought - the pigeons have decided against our tree. In the wind the other day most of the nest collapsed and they haven't been back since. Disappointed as I am not to see baby pigeons, I feel its for the best. The cat will have to go without his pigeon treat!

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