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Hip scoring

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blackcat77 | 23:12 Mon 13th Jul 2009 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers
Is it usual to get your dogs' hips scored if you are not intending to breed from her? and can you get it done at the same time as she is being spayed?


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I always had my GSD's done whether or not they were going to be bred from, to monitor my breeding to make sure there were no problems. It is no guarantee, but if you x ray at least you have the knowledge of whether or not the lines are throwing good hips. It can be done at the same time as spaying, provided the dog is over one year old, let your vet know and make sure you take the papers with you.
I also did agility and wanted to know they were ok before jumping them.

In all breeds the more dogs that are scored a better picture of the status of the breed's hips can be obtained.
our breeder asked us to get our dog hipscored if he ever needed GA for anything else as she too liked to know that she was doing right by her pups.

I guess it depends a bit too on what dog you have, ours are cross bred (accidental mating) males and deffo will not breed from them(neutered now) so we didn't bother and won't
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Thanks Lankeela and Woofgang - I'm almost definitely going to have her spayed and then will have the hips x-rayed at the same time. As far as I can see, most of her breed seem to have good hip scores - she does a bit of agility as well. I think that her breder would like to know as well.

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