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sara3 | 21:24 Tue 15th Sep 2009 | Animals & Nature
72 Answers
I just put the rubbish out as the bin men come tomorrow. my wheelie bin is COVERED in white maggots, inside and out!

I've looked with a torch, they were all over my doormat by the kitchen door (outside), which I've managed to get in the wheelie bin, and got the bin to the other end of my path but there are loads of maggots right outside the kitchen door.

how can I get rid of them quickly? like NOW?!!!!!

please. I can't stop scratching! PLEASE!


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oh if you tell the binmen they might not take the bin, but they will see it surely? Are you ok now, god I would be sick
This bin is only collected every 2 weeks, it's not great. I agree with recycling as much as possible but this is a bit much
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yeah, I feel a bit p***ed off to tell you the truth!

if there's a big strong man out there who might give me a hug, just so I can cry....................... !

that's how I feel :o/
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you're right Dixie, that's why they wear gloves, huh?
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maybe one of the binmen would give you a hug sara
Yep.....just apart from the ones that have lost loved ones in your bleach and boiling water shenanigans, and are going to pay you a visit while you sleep later on!!

Sweet dreams, sweetheart!

Oh my God, you poor thing. Maggots are the things I hate and fear most in the entire universe, more so than lions, snakes, spiders or anything. Not sure how to get rid of them, but am told chickens eat them. If you have any hens put them outside, or if not just hose them down as angry2008 said.

I wish you luck, and am thinking of you (not the maggots)!
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thanks Dixie. I was having a heart to heart with weeal on Facebook, all emotional like.. then this.

it's not the end of the world and it'll all look delightful in the morning :o)

thanks to everyone for their input, esp snags who nearly gave me a nervous breakdown!
sweep them up and fry on toast - good protein.
see, just put your chickens outside...simples
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thanks Pericat, what a lovely thought!

yogi, pack it in!

jonny, thank you. the worst is over and I survived :o)

BS, redundant? why so?
As Jonnyboy says....if you nip down to tesco's now, you may be able to get a chicken to frighten 'em off!!............worth a try!

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weeal, proper lol, as we say ;o)

tambo, I'll send them over to you, you disgusting creature!
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BS - it's not what you're thinking :o) xx
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fresh or frozen, yogi?

organic? corn fed?
Im too scared to go to bed

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