I have just found an injured wood pigeon in my back garden.I think it has been attacked by a kestrel.It has plucked lots of feathers out and has raw patches on its back.Is there anything i can give it for the pain ie,soluble paracetemol or spray the back with salt water?I have kept it in my green house in my cat box.Its not eaten anything but i have left water and wet bread and some nuts in with it.
I wouldn't chance giving it any pain killers, the dosage would be hard to access, sadly it may well die of shock overnight, if it survives, try calling the RSPCA in the morning, they should be able to help you to get in touch with a wildlife rescue...................good luck, hope the poor thing survives..............................
thanks for the answers I have got some soluble aspirin and some tcp,i'll keep you informed as to how he is.2 years ago we reared a wood pigeon which had fallen out of our conifer.We had him 5 months until my husband let him fly off ,accidentally.I'm just hoping this one isnt our "Wilf".
thanx for all the messages ,but unfortunately when I went out this morning he was dead.We buried him in the back garden and I think it was his mate kept hanging around all day .So sad but I thought he would'nt survive as his back was very bad.