I have 2 goldfish, bought last October, they have really grown quite big now. I have a 23 Ltr tank and I'm a bit concerned that they are now too big for the tank. Will they be ok as they are now or will they grow even bigger. I have no room for a bigger tank, just want some advice from any fish expert. Thanks.
pussnboots. your fish look happy what size were they in October. I have fish in my outside pond 'No u-tube footage available' abour 6 inches in length. they are about 12 years old now. The seem to grow to a size that reflects the size of the pond. Cut down their food portions and see if their activity changes. If they die, it's off to the fairground for you. pp Notanexpert!
Whilst im glad to see your goldies aren't in one of those those godawful little round bowls puss (hello by the way), I personally would be tempted to buy a bigger tank.
A general rule is to provide a 20- to 30-gallon tank for your fish, and add at least 10 gallons to that volume for each additional goldfish
I'm totally gob smacked at the above answer!!!!
If, as humans,we keep 'pets' then we should be prepared to keep them the best possible conditions for their needs.
Puss, people acquire goldfish and think 'oh they look happy enough', but as you have learned a goldfish is a large and messy fish that grows big!
please read here for their real requirements.
I agree with BOO about the stupid response, you don't starve any creature to stop it growing, and as for the flippant remark at the end................!!!!!!
I should just google goldfish care, I'm sure there will be lots of stuff there.
Goldfish tend to grow to the size of their enviroment. Hence the goldfish caught in yesterdays paper at over 12" long. Don't worry, because if you do get a bigger tank, the fish will continue to grow. If you leave it in the current tak, it will not. Fact!
I'm with Charley on this one. Have had fish in tanks for many years and now have pond fish. I never had to get a bigger tank because of the fish getting bigger. They grow to fit their surroundings - which sounds like magic, but is true.
Ya know, im not so sure about that one grasscarp. I've got one solitary goldy in a massive, its at least 100 ltrs tank, and the begger hasn't grown a jot in the 2 years he's (or she's) been in there.
I saw that article in The Daily Mail as well Charlie, the goldfish actually weighed 5lbs.Sorry I can't post a link but if anyone wants a look Google, Schoolboy angler reels in enormous 5 lb fish. There are some interesting facts on there if you are interested in goldfish.
Many years ago, when the old colliery had steam winders they also had two cooling towers and a large pond to re-cycle the water which also fed the hot water supply to the village. Over the years people had put fish, both goldies and tropical. When they changed to electric winders and the ponds became redundent many of the pond owners in the village helped net and re-home the fish. I personally had about 15-20 mixed goldies and koi upto about 2lbs in weight, in fact though I still have a couple of the koi in the pond
Thanks for all your replies. I look after my fish and constantly give them the best environment I can. They are cleaned every week and all the right stuff added to their water to make it safe. I would love a bigger tank but I have not got the space, it does worry me that they are growing too much, the shop (Pets at Home) advised me that these fish were ideal for my size of tank.
Our local chinese restaurant had some massive goldfish in a tank they could barely turn round in.I stopped frequenting it because I found it too upsetting.HOWEVER I heard that someone had reported them to the RSPCA who had visited and deemed them OK.Mind you RSPCA ?????