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Isn't this the most beautiful...?

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Charlie911 | 20:07 Thu 05th Aug 2010 | Animals & Nature
64 Answers
Isn't this the most beautiful dog in the entire world? And he's all mine!!! :-)


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Me too Charlie. We have had quite an assortment over the last 35 years + from GS's to a yorkie, and quite a few Heinz, and most of them have been rescued. All of them have been lovely in different ways and they have all been spoilt. All of them have reached good ages too.
13:52 Fri 06th Aug 2010
I've always been a GSD person Tex but I think I could take to your alien
Schnauzers for me, you can get them in the size that suits you.
Just off to take my two mini schnauzers for a walk.
They are lovely and they have lovely grumpy little faces.

Enjoy your walk.

My dog is just a little mutt!! She has the most gorgeous temperament and is the most intelligent dog we have ever owned, bless her.
My hoooman slave wants a smelly hound, a big slobbering moronic hound.

But us cats are smart as well as good looking - and she ain't getting no hound. If she does I will set my sister Merlin on both of them - and Merlin's scary.

Frankie de Tom Cat
But Frankie, hounds come in useful - you can blame them for everything!
What - like the pile of barf on the stairs? Smells from gastric problems? I am seeing the light.
Well the boss has just sent my trusty hound in and he's lying at the side of me giving me that "don't you think it's time you stopped playing and took me for a walk" so I'm off for a while, have a nice day everybody and keep spoiling your friends
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We used to have GSD's, 2 of them, brilliant, fantastic dogs. Bus as we got older we bought a Border terrier. For months I said I'd never have another terrier. Then when our 2nd GSD died very suddenly we bought a second BT. I love em. Well to be honest, I love ALL dogs!
Me too Charlie. We have had quite an assortment over the last 35 years + from GS's to a yorkie, and quite a few Heinz, and most of them have been rescued. All of them have been lovely in different ways and they have all been spoilt. All of them have reached good ages too.
and there have been many, many moggies too!!
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Yeah we've had a couple of cats as well that have lived to well in their late 18's and 19's. Last one had to be put to sleep on 1st January 1994 after suffering yet another stroke. She had had many in the past but this one was massive!. Then the bloody vet said he didn't like putting animals to sleep on new years day!!! Poor cow was in agony!
He is lovely. I do like Border Terriers. Not that keen on small dogs normally but they have great characters. On my avatar is Lottie (my spoilt girl named after Lofty Lottie just over 2 years ago...Lottie,do you remember? She was 2 in May!!) Love all dogs really just have a preference for black labs!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Dogs are beautiful friends - they are ideal bin disposal units, always want to please you and are loyal and understanding.

Cats are mean and nasty, manipulative and conniving, want everything to be on 'their terms' and they hog the bed.

I love them both - even young Frankie(cat) and his airhead sister.
Hi Barb. Nice to meet you again and see a picture of the lovely Lottie. How time flies!!

Lottie is beautiful, and so, so shiny.

My late lamented Millie - her beauty was in her ugliness - but beautiful to me. She had been mis-treated and I rescued her when she was nearly 2yrs old. The first time she saw me she growled at me - I couldn't turn down a dog with such discerning taste! Media URL: Enter URL
Whoops - that went well, I shall try again
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I keep reading about cruetly to animals this week and I wonder what makes that sort of person tick? I mean, why on earth would you put an animal in the microwave? I wish thay had human sized microwaves so that when people think it's funny to put peoples pets in them, then they could suffer the same treatment themselves. Now that IS a good idea ;-)
ttfn. Ugly - nonsense. She was very, very beautiful!

I agree Charlie.

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