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Isn't this the most beautiful...?

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Charlie911 | 20:07 Thu 05th Aug 2010 | Animals & Nature
64 Answers
Isn't this the most beautiful dog in the entire world? And he's all mine!!! :-)


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Me too Charlie. We have had quite an assortment over the last 35 years + from GS's to a yorkie, and quite a few Heinz, and most of them have been rescued. All of them have been lovely in different ways and they have all been spoilt. All of them have reached good ages too.
13:52 Fri 06th Aug 2010
thanks lottie - I used to call her ugly to upset a friend of mine who was boxer mad
ttfn - she was a gorgeous dog. I like boxers.

charlie - there are many evil people in this world who are cruel to animals, children and defenceless adults. I really don't know what the solution is though.
I love boxers, but then I really love most dogs. Give me dogs any day over humans!!
How are you?
Still troubled by a trapped nerve in my neck Lottie - paying for my sins I think!
Have you tried an icepack on it?
erm ............. nice thought Lottie but I am on diuretics as one of my many meds LOL - I am already in enough trouble here you know ☺
I am now aunty to big sis's lurcher pup - I will see if I fare better with this link
Sorry Susan - I didn't see you there. Boxers are as daft as a box of frogs
I am confused. Why can't you use an icepack with diuretics. I do!
What a lovely pup! Great eyes!
I might as well just move into the bathroom and rent the rest of the house out Lottie!
Her eye colour has moderated now - she is 2 later this month. Great little character though and she drops sis like a hot cake whenever I stay there - she even insists on sleeping in my bed!
Sorry all but my Jetspoon (my avitar) was the most beautiful girl ever, she was a German Shepherd/Lurcher cross and the most gentle dog. We lost her May 8th age 14 years.
We now have CoCo, 1 year old Collie/Lurcher cross and an absolute loony! She's a shock to the system but I'm sure she'll settle down soon (fingers crossed) x
Some days I want to get a dog, other days I remember how much time they take up.

I live in a flat in the town/city centre - which is not ideal as I have no garden. But I can walk about ¼ of a mile (if it is that far) and I have a massive parkland area.

I no longer work no I have the time........

I have decided to wait until I win the lottery and then, maybe, we will get a dog.

Sorry to hog your post charlie911 - but if you moan I will set Princess Merlin (aka Slasher) on to you. The young chap in my avatar can confirm that she is vicious.

Keep buying the lottery tickets Susan! masma - I agree with you entirely, my boxer would have never a beauty pageant, but then she didn't have to in my eyes. How is CoCo settling in now, a few weeks on? Charlie - look what you have started ☺
good morning all. nice to see the thread still going, I really like to see so many peoples lovely pets. The Boss says if we ever win the lottery we're going to buy a big house in the country and a harem for Max and breed GSD's and while I quite like the Idea I'd have to veto it as we'd end up with a couple of hundred dogs as once she'd seen the pups she'd start making up reasons why we couldn't let them go
ttfn.. thanks for remembering Coco - she's settled in really well... into the house that is. She's very clingy but that's to be expected after her very poor start in life. Her main problem is walking on the lead, Jet was so very gentle so Coco's enthusiasum for life is, as I said, a shock to the system. We're thinking of getting an expert in to teach her to walk nicely on the lead and come back when she's called.
Charlie911 - yes he's very handsome, he looks a dear soul. xx
Hello masma - glad things are working out for you so well. It is not nice of me to remember at all - I am just jealous! Did you see my 2 photos on the previous page?
i have a jack russell patterdale terrier x patterdales are a very under rated breed they do need loads of training though but lovely mad funny dogs !!!
Hi zzxxee - a work mate has a pt - lovely wee thing, bright as a button
hi ttfn yes they are lovely i wish i'd of known about patterdales a long time ago although mine is mixed with a bit of jack russell but more patterdale as the father was patterdale mother patterdale jack russellx lovely breed i would highly recommend them, but you do need a lot of time to train them
Hello ttfn - yes I did see your pic's bless em - as for the lurcher... if I send my address can you post him/her to me, what a beauty - such lovely eyes. I'll try and get my son to show me how to post a pic of Coco on here for you to see what a dear soul she is..xx

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