My poor wee cat just had a seizure. He's only 2 and has always been in good health, and has been fine all day. He seems ok now - a little wobbly and strange at first and now just a little cautious but curious. Anybody got any advice/ been in this situation? It was the most horrible thing I've ever witnessed.
oh poor thing...
My elderly cat developed fits at the age of 18.. she would wet herself and fit lying down on the floor - and the first time I saw it was sooo terribly upsetting!
She eventually got put on to Phenabarbitone - which is a barbiturate based drug.
I guess its not ideal for a young cat - as it prolonged use isnt kind to their kidneys... but it bought her another 3 years without fits.
Speak to your vet if you are ever concerned - plenty of animals live long lives with epilepsy... its just awful to watch an actual fit.... plus they can be confused afterwards!
I do feel for you - I know how horrid it was for me!
It was really horrible Nosha, and the way the poor wee soul looked when he came out of it, like he didn't have a clue who me and mr mac were or where he was. In saying that, I'd rather I was with him if it happens again, I'd hate for him to have to go through that alone. Anne, he's on top form today - he's been tormenting me something awful and attacking me at every opportunity. So back to normal then :)