My sister in law has a rottweiller (sorry spelling) and yesterday it bit her 8yr old daughter very badly on the cheek resulting in her needing 16 stitches. She is not very good with animals I have to say and has apparently being playing with the dog for over an hour before it had had enough and flipped. I personally feel that these kind of dogs have the nature to 'turn' at anytime and would never 100% trust them around a child but on the otherhand I know that most dogs are fine until they are pestered by kids. So mum felt she should have the dog put down but they haven't as the child begged her not to! What do other's think? What if the dog does it again? Are they completely safe with kids?
As a child we had two well mannered dogs but we were never allowed to play with them and now I'm older I feel uneasy about dogs, although I have no actual reason to be. I don't think kids should be allowed to play around with dogs of any breed. I don't know if the breed is really an issue, although I'm sure some will say it is (I don't know enough about them) but I think any dog would be capable of snapping if it's had enough of something. It's not like it can ask politely for a child to stop harrassing it.
mmm a hard one as the child is obviously attached to the dog.
In this case i think the dog should be given away maybe to a breeder of rotties who have the time to train it , as i wouldnt risk another incident happening. The little girl would obviously be upset if the dog was put down but may feel better if it went to another home.
Would this not have been reported by the hospital staff. Rotties are on the dangerous dogs list?
Personally, if the authorities don't get involved I would get rid of the dog immediately to the Dogs Trust or something similar and tell them the reason. No way should she keep the dog, it is likely to do it again.
well obviously not with that particular little monster. personally I think that being tormented for an hour before losing it demonstrates a better temperament that mine, I would have given the little darling a smack much sooner. IMO well bred well brought up rotties are no more likely to turn than any other dog.
I blame your SIL who obviously didn't keep proper control of her daughter and doesn't sound like a fit person to be a dog owner OR a mother. Best thing would be to contact Rottie rescue and get the poor thing rehomed asap.
....well you asked for opinions.....
I agree Woofgang, except perhaps the child might not be a little monster at all, just never taught how to be with dogs and allowed to do what they like. The parents are at fault.
No way would I have the dog put down. It was not the dog's fault. It would be better off with a responsible family. I hope it gets a chance.
If the child was teasing the dog then they should be taught how to interact with it properly. If they do, then something like this would never have happened.
Any size dog and any size children are a combination that need constant supervision, for both the childs and the dogs well being. Generally I would say put the dog down, but in this case would agree with zzxxee's choice
My child was left alone with all our dogs with no problems. He didn't treat them as toys and was taught at an early age to respect them. At 8 years old a child should be fully aware of how to 'play' with a dog properly and not to pull them about.
Rottweilers aren't listed on the dangerous dogs acts list, that only includes, the pit bull terrier, the Japanese tosa, the Dogo Argentino, and the Fila Brasileiro. and the act will only cover other dogs if they are out of control in a public place, not in the home.
I'd try and get it re-homed, that's a big dog to have round children and the child may well torment it again with worse results.
its just come down to training !!!
my ex mother in law had two rotties trained from day one and the grandchildren were educated to respect the dogs and never torment them
two fabulous dogs that the children enjoyed being with
dead right zzxxee...trouble is that mum has damaged her daughter's life...and i stand by my comment that children who aren't properly trained are little monsters...go to tescos during half term....and potentially ended the dog's life.
Thank you for the answers. I do have my own opinions on this but as I am too involved I would rather not broadcast them. I was just interested to know what others thought.
I do think you need to educate children if you have dogs. Many years ago we ended up having to have one of our dogs put down due to problems with a neighbour's child who came into our garden to play............he was a lovely mongrel and she was the only person he ever bit.
My cleaner has to occasionally bring her 6 year old to work with her and she likes to 'play', as soon as my westie sees her now he buggers off to bed away from her.