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Springwatch/Springwatch Unsprung

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redman41 | 07:56 Mon 30th May 2011 | Twitching & Birdwatching
161 Answers
It's back tonight on BBC2 at 8pm. Compulsive viewing.
Take a look at the 4 live Webcams on the Link ! Excellent.
I think it's on for the next 3 weeks.


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I missed the woodpecker story, but I do know that all young woodpeckers are born with redcaps. They gradually change colour as their feathers develop with the boys retaining a red patch while the girls go all black.
Thanks for that - I would hate to miss it again
I'll try once more then I give up. Would somebody tell me if all the Woodies have gone now please?
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At least 3 of the Woodpeckers have left the nest, maybe another one went when I went out earlier. It's difficult to know how many chicks there are in the Nest as even Chris Packham did not know last night.
Take a look at the Cams ladybirder as they are switching locations
A good subject but spoilt by the campness of the presenters all talking as though they're on Blue Peter. Can we have some grown ups on?
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I think you have a good point johnk as I heard that statement on the Radio this morning. All 3 main presenters are very knowledgeable but tend to speak Blue Peter lingo at times........not very Adult.
I couldn't see the Woodycam that's why I asked. Still can't see it now as it's not one of the multicams. Am I not doing something I should be doing? I apologise if I'm being an idiot.
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I have the cams on all the time in a separate Tab ladybirder. They are switching locations as things develop, currently they have a Pied Flycatcher on one. There are several Cams and they switch them about so keep Tabs on them.
Ah! Thank you. Will do.
I saw three sparrows with black heads yesterday can anyone tell me what they were ?
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One of the Redstart Chicks has flown the Nest Box, beautiful little Birds.
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Another one has just gone now, quite funny as it was a case of will I or wont I !!
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Many thanks for the 'sticky' Ed, much appreciated.
Is it possible for you to embed the live Webcam link or is it best left as it is ?
s-b - are you sure they weren't blackcaps?
redman - still four in the nest. Did they come back again?:-)
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The female Redstart is trying to lure the remaining 4 out of the Nest Box.
The Herons are on the vergeof fledging as well.
Pied Flycatcher has 4 chicks and 2 unhatched eggs.
Good viewing again today.
Brilliant viewing. My cat goes crazy every time the Redstarts start squawking when they get fed. Getting my own back on her for peeing on the bed last week:-)
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I have joined the Springwatch Forum and have Posted a Question on their Message Board.
I have requested footage of the nesting Ospreys as nothing has been mentioned about them so far on their nightly Programme. The Nest is not far from their Base at Ynis Hir, a Webcam would be really good so that we can keep up with what's going on.
I have enjoyed the 2 shows so far but there is not enough footage of the local Birds around the Marsh and the Estuary as there must be loads going on.
I'm awaiting some feedback regarding my request.
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The Redstarts seem to have all fledged but the herons are still hanging on.
There was only 1 Redstart chick in the nest this morning at 0845am but I think they have all gone now
i will add a comment too as already registered
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Good for you Rowan !
Hope others on here do the same.........

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