Quizzes & Puzzles4 mins ago
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15 Answers
About 9.30 this morning I went out to put some washing on the line, and I was caught up in a noise I couldn't identify. I looked all around me and then upwards. The sky was filled with swans flying in formation, honking and chattering to each other as they flew westwards, the noise was tremendous like a train backdraft with all the flapping that was going on. I was mesmerised, there must have been at least forty swans, I've seem ducks and a few Canada Geese in flight but never so many Swans. My neighbour came out to see what was going on too.
Here's a 'flock' of Romanian ones. http://birds .nature4stoc k.com/wp-con tent/uploads /2009/02/cyg nus-cygnus3. jpg
18:50 Sun 22nd Mar 2015
Here's a 'flock' of Romanian ones.
http:// birds.n ature4s tock.co m/wp-co ntent/u ploads/ 2009/02 /cygnus -cygnus 3.jpg
Heres a wedge of Berwick swans.
http:// static. guim.co .uk/sys -images /Guardi an/Pix/ picture s/2010/ 1/11/12 6320808 8599/Be wick-sw ans-in- flight- 005.jpg